"I never watched the anime before...
Welp, time to binge watch it on Netflix."
-Maestro Von Evangelion
"The Hitman Who can't get in the Fucking Mech"
"I never watched the anime before...
Welp, time to binge watch it on Netflix."
-Maestro Von Evangelion
"The Hitman Who can't get in the Fucking Mech"
"The last time I ever set foot onto a pile of gold, a leprechaun was threatening to kick my ass. But a dragon, yeah, I rather not want to disturb Benedict-CumberDragon over there. The guy who played... Dr. Strange also played Smaug... you know what I mean... also my creator says how smooth the loop is as it transitions from the end to the beginning. Also, loves that it's a marble. He use to go crazy collecting em as a kid."
Thanks! at first I wanted to make a more standard shiny rock gem or something but I found a marble on my random drawer and it seemed like a much more interesting fit, glad your creator liked it ;)
"Dear Buster98,
My creator's also been wondering how it must feel. He's rather happy that people here can have great things happen out of their hardworking and creativity. I never knew being put on the fridge was a sign of success, I just thought it was just for decoration."
Your creator is very observant
1227 Assassin Avenue, Sin
Joined on 1/5/21